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The late afternoon sun filtered down on the clearing, near by, a small stream chattered away as it wandered through the trees. After picketing the down stream from the camp site, they set the pavilion up and gathered wood for the fire. Leaving her to see to the varied small tasks that needed to be attended to, he went to procure some game for their dinner. She watched him break out a small bow, string it, gather some arrows and start down the side of the stream. She called to him before. You run through these facts in a mental list:-You are an adult man.-You can see, hear, taste, smell, and feel things.-You have the ability to move, hunt, work, create things, solve problems, eat, drink, sleep, and have sex.-Eating, drinking and sleeping are priorities to live.-You do not need to defecate, but you do need to urinate. Your penis is used to urinate and have sex. Your anus is meant purely for sex.-Do not look directly into the sun for extended periods of time.-You can comprehend. “Wait!” he groaned out. That was when I heard her… the woman was returning from her mudbath!! I was so frustrated but quickly put my top back on and laid back on the table pretending nothing had happened as she walked back in the room. I was so disappointed that I let him finish his massage and booked another Spa appointment for the next day but made sure that I was the only one for a 2-hour block, and went back to join my friends at the pool.“How did it go?” they. Thank you I said through sobs, I cant believe this we just spoke to William two days ago and now he is dead. After closing the front door I slowly made my way to the kitchen table, opening the envelope hot tears still streaming my face I pulled out the card that William had made for Lucy it was pink with a pretty white flower on the front that said daddys little princess is turning five, on the inside he had glued a picture of him holding her after she was born. How was I going to tell Lucy.
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