To be fair, there was significant progress on many fronts. The exploration of South Africa had revealed an ideal hiding location about a hundred kilom...ters from the equatorial pyramid, a natural cave system with internal spring water and entrances covered by a thick canopy of fruit trees. A surprisingly large number of the fruits and nearby vegetable roots too had proven to be edible, delicious in fact.At maximum speed, the six stair-cats could make two preprogrammed round trips per day,. We sat in silence for what seemed like forever until my sister took a step into my room. "Hi." Kathy said as she took a few more steps into my room.That's when I noticed she wasn't looking at me, but staring at my cock. "H-hi..." I was feeling uncomfortable, yet couldn't get myself to move, not even to cover myself up. Kathy stopped right in front of me. Her eyes finally moved away from my cock as she glanced at my face and smiled at me. She kneeled down between my legs and moved my hand away. "Nice hair," she thought to herself.Not quite blond in the summer and fading to auburn in the winter, it told everyone, she was not a "Typical Dumb Blond." She had sort of the best of all worlds.The eyes that were looking back at her were expressive and drew attention to her face. If any one word came to mind to her it was, 'Piercing!" They looked right though you, almost as if they could read minds or launch ships. Joan of Arc must have had eyes like hers. They were a powerful asset.Her. We had just recently gotten into a relation as friends with benefits which had brought new experiences to us both so far. My hand tugged at the loose shirt I used to sleep in, pulled it up slightly over my stomach before my hand lowered along my body. Lightly I traced my fingertips over my skin and over the thin fabric of my panties. There I halted for a short moment before I put a little pressure upon my clit. Once again I sighed, but more in pleasure that time. It felt nice to get to.
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