Nothing. He searched his bag. Empty. Okay, it wasn’t the end of the world. He often went commando on the weekends, just never at work. Class normal, but now the plot went into action. Mr. Crete collected the day’s homework and got right into the day’s lecture about Shakespeare. He had the habit of lecturing from the front of the class and then wandering into the rows.All four girls had broad smiles on their face. Bigger smiles than ever before. They alternated making long extended. I smiled at an inflatable starfish that bounced off into the horizon; the tentacles swayed in sync with the distant sound of house music playing off someone’s phone.Something poked my shoulder; it was a pretty pink flower. “Aww!” I exclaimed in a fog. “You like it?” Jamie looked happy with his sparkling, light brown eyes; they glowed bright against his sun burnt skin. “I love it, J,” it got quiet as I sat smiling at the stem. I could feel a single bead of sweat ski down my back and land. They scooped up the two Africans and went off somewhere to gossip." Theresa's words could have been catty, but in fact she sounded more amused than anything else. At least, the translator voice sounded amused. "I haven't seen your little pet, though. Did you leave her tied up in your room?" Not literally, but she was a bit tired from our games. I'd like to thank you for understanding her needs; given the way the Spanish treated your ancestors, I wouldn't have been surprised if you'd hunted me. I could also make out her tan lines but reassured her that people would just think she had flesh coloured panties on! We reached the bar and couldn’t believe it when we saw the only people there were our neighbours – they waved and we went over to say hello. They introduced themselves as Mike and Livia and were from Houston – we ordered some drinks and got to know one another. I could see that Mike couldn’t take his eyes off Anna’s ample cleavage! Personally I couldn’t take my eyes off his.
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