- Ты что, - негодованию жены не было предела, - немедленно иди и помоги женщине, так п...�ступать не вежливо, она наша соседка, нам с ней жить.Тираду Денис не дослушал и, одев новые тапочки, благо квартира соседки была на одной площадке, с недовольным видом отправился к Ирен. Ирен как будто ждала его, бигудей на голове уже не было вместо них свисали волнистые локоны очень красивых волос каштанового цвета, кроме того губы ее были накрашены ярко красной помадой. Совсем как у вульгарной девицы,. I was basically stared at her until i got up yo leave .after about 10 minuets i got up to go and walked toward her as she was sitting by the door"do you like what you see" excuse me" do you like looking at my dirty cunt "i almost fell over "well yes i like fishnet underwear and you caught my eye " looks like its not just your eyes that i caught " as she looked at my crotch"any chance i can see some more" my name is jo come with me"we walked for around two mins and came to a red door .she opened. That did not alter their fascination for the body of the woman as they talk about it since.Unlike me, they clearly wanted to meet a woman to reproduce (no pun intended) what they saw.I understood what mother meant by thinking about “that”I realized you must have a lot of question, like did I really never saw another woman other than the maid and my mother during the first eighteen years of my life.Of course I lied a bit, I saw other women, such as: my grandmother, my 10-years younger than me. Sawyer sighed a disappointed sigh, scribbled in his notebook. He cursed himself. He knew that Glory wasn’t going to talk. Diana told me about Glory. She had never shared anything in group. Glory only spoke when it was absolutely necessary. Diana raised her hand and Sawyer’s mouth froze. His lips were suspended in mid-sentence. His feeble little mind was flooded with quotes. Quotes from the psychology book that he had studied in college. Her eyes closed, her head did a sexy little shimmy. Diana.
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