Mind raiding weakens the individual’s ability to control his own thoughts and emotions.At one time during Elaine’s training, her sister had explai...ed that the basic difference between a sane mind and a criminal mind is that the criminal mind lacks the social responsibility to control his desires. What he sees, he wants; whether he needs it or not. He doesn’t recognize another’s ownership, only his own desire. The criminal has learned, through personal experience, that he can be punished for. Her hair has fallen down around her face, and she brushes it back around her ears, and I just shake my head. She crawls over to me. ‘What?’ She softly asks, as she lays her head on my chest. I start to pet her head like a cat, ‘I just don’t understand you, that’s all.’ ‘What do you mean?’ She looks up with her green soul-piercing eyes. ‘It…It’s kind of hard to explain,’ I look at her as I wrap my arm around her. ‘Aden, just say it,’ she says with a smile. ‘I…, I haven’t been with anybody, like. I stood up, shook off the sand and then headed for my apartment. I parked the car and got out before I spotted the last person in the world that I wanted to see — my wife Beverly.It had been almost three years since I had packed my bags and walked away from her; three years during which I had never talked to her on the phone, written her a letter or sent her an email and I didn't want to talk to her now. It looked like I wasn't going to be given a choice. I couldn't get into my apartment. .BIL AND LORI WERE FIGHTING LIKE CATS AND DOGS AND HE JUST UP AND LEFT...SHE WAS CRYING AND I SOOTHED HER WITH A HUG AND KISS ON HER NECK AND WHISPERED IN HER EAR.."THE BAR CLOSES IN 10 MINUTES..SIT YOUR FINE ASS RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE AND I WILL GET EVERYBODY OUTTA HERE AND WE CAN DO A LINE AND THEN I WILL GIVE YOU A RIDE HOME. AFTER I GOT THE DOORS LOCKED (THERE WASN'T ONE WINDOW IN THIS DIVE) SHE KISSED ME FULL ON THE LIPS DRIVING HER TOUNGE DEEP INTO MY MOUTH AND BREATHED "WHAT IF I DON'T.
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