Diary time again. This goes back to when we were just married and is from one of her last diaries, its one of the few stories that I was in! M came of... the pill 15 years ago and since then, apart from a couple of deliberate occasions, I can’t cum inside her so we find alternative ways of bringing each other off. We both enjoy playing so the tenderness of being close together telling sexy stories ticks so many boxes. A number of yeas ago we had gone north to see my parents and were driving back. "Can I see her now, please?" Ninve begged when she awoke to meet her first baby ... already, her maternal instincts were kicking in."Sure, Princess. I knew that you would ask for her. Meet your daughter, dear. The first child born into this new age of ours. Anne, meet your mother, Ninve," I smiled as I carried our newborn and put her in her mother's arms."Our daughter, honey. Hard to believe that she was conceived in a men's room during a Halloween party, isn't it? That already seems like a. Manuela found herself being held spread eagled on the stage by the two girls and the two boys. The girl with the lotion bottle stripped Manuela's bikini off of her and shoving the lotion bottle up into her pussy squeezed a large amount of lotion into her vagina then did the same to her rectum. Manuela whimpered please stop I did not mean to embarrass you. Her only response was an ugly laugh and a small hand at the entrance to her vagina that was suddenly shoved deep into her womb. Manuela. They heard the same shower I did and the guy ordered the woman in an Asian language. She jumped past me and ran to the bathroom, kicking in that door.The man smiled at me and shot out a round house kick that I dodged by bending backwards and falling onto the bed. My feet came up and I grabbed the short blade I keep in my boot. He shot a punch at me that I stopped with a stab of the knife in his tricep.He swore a blue streak and whipped that knife out of my hand with another kick from nowhere..
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