What would you like to talk about?” “How about we start with your name? I’m Stephen.” I offered her my hand, which she took with a smile. “...mber.” As I took my hand away I let my fingers slowly trail the underside of her palm. She noticed and she blushed gently and tried to hide it by bowing her head and taking a sip of her drink. “Your drink is almost empty. May I get you another one?” “You aren’t just trying to get me drunk, are you?” “I would never do such a thing,” I assured her with a. Sam stopped the two-door sedan and the men got out, pushed the front seats over and crawled into the back. Once settled on the back seat, they pushed the front seat to its normal position. Both men took off their shoes. They continued to disrobe, shirts, jackets, trousers, underpants, all was thrown on the front seat. Bill watched as Sam’s hard cock slapped against his stomach as he took off his underpants. Bill’s knob peeked at the top of his pants. The men were erect and breathing heavily. I could clearly see the lust that smoldered in my daughter's eyes as she leaned forward to kiss me. Her lips softly slid against mine, and suddenly something broke within me, banishing my will to resist this insane thing. I found myself returning my daughter's kiss, sucking at her tongue as she plunged a finger deep into my vagina. I moaned into her mouth, rocking my pelvis to the movement of Cherie's hand as she fucked me, my tongue flashing to life to mingle with hers. Right and wrong had. Green shouted. Anna lay on the bed in the small clinic. Sorry, sir. Dont you mind, Anna. Yall have nothin to be sorry for Green said calmly, yet he was furious inside. His beloved granddaughter had paralyzed his best agent, he had lost a powerful ally in Anna. Greene, however, knew that this girl was worthless to him. Besides, unknown to Anna, the IV bag attached to her was filled with 40% arsenic, a little extra he had added when he and his guards brought Anna to the clinic. I feel…sleepy, sir.
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