Ein neutraler Veranstalter vermietet diesen Platz und die Ausrüstung. Das Gelände ist riesig. Es gibt einen Wald, einen See und natürlich die alte ...irma. Große gruppen aus Wochenendkriegern liefern sich hier oft tagelange Schlachten mit Farbkugeln. Doch heute ist alles anders. Es sind Sommerferien und die nächsten 2 bis 4 Wochen wird dies der Schauplatz eines gewaltigne Geschlechterkampfes. Eine Armee aus männern und eine aus Frauen werden bis zum letzten Krieger oder Kriegerin kämpfne um zu. ’ she layed down on the ground in front of me, again. Normally I would have been concerned about her lying down on the gravel and dirt and weeds, but she didn’t seem to mind, and neither did I. I was a little bit shy about masturbating in front of her, but the glint in her eyes, as well as the way her hands where running over her body, encouraged me to lose my inhibitions. Before one minute had gone by, I could already feel my testicles start to warmly tingle. ‘Hmmm, honey…I am going to come. 'I mean, even if I let it go, can you imagine it trying to live any kind of life with these tattoos? "Cocksucker" around its throat and a penis on each cheek?' Samantha's giggle was stifled somewhat by an involuntary gasp of pleasure as she continued stroking herself. Dee too was fondling her own crotch through her light cotton trousers. She stared at the freak as she did so, and pondered on what might be going on in its head. She had determined some time ago that she was never going to release. Something that I always wanted to do and masturbated over doing, I suddenly wished that I had the balls to strip myself naked in front of my MILF of a mother and my MILF of an aunt. Yet, I thought she was k**ding. I looked from my mother to look at my aunt with an embarrassed, little laugh. Then when I looked back at my mother again, I knew she was serious. She wanted me to remove my clothes. She wanted me to strip myself naked."Take off your clothes, Tommy," she said again. "I mean it. I'm not.
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